摩登狙擊手 - Modern Sniper

by Candy Mobile



瞄準,射擊!最佳FPS射擊遊戲——摩登狙擊手,唯有在險境之中,才能點燃戰鬥的激情! 你是一名摩登狙擊手,從任何角度來說都是精英中的精英,游走在現代社會的陰暗的邊緣,隨時都準備面對各種危機重重的槍戰和暗殺事件。有時你需要掃蕩一整條街的雜兵,有時你只需精准地一槍擊斃唯一的目標人物。性能出色的各式狙擊步槍就是你最好的幫手,展現你精湛的射術,從容面對每一項任務的挑戰。快,現在就拿起你的狙擊槍,打爆敵人的頭吧!
遊戲特性:- 50個不同類型的關卡等待挑戰 - 逼真的3D模型 - 6個風格各異的場景 - 7把真實的武器可供購買与升級
Aim and Shoot! Modern Sniper is #1 first person shooter game that will blown you away!
An over-the-top shooter in every sense, Modern Sniper takes you on a whirlwind tour of the criminal underworld. You are a modern sniper ready to play your part in dangerous attacks and silent assassin missions. Eliminate a mob of enemies at street level or take out the single high-profile target. With access to an inventory of sniper rifles and assault rifles, you will rely on your marksman skills to finish the work. Go for the HEADSHOT now!
Game Features:- Over 50 crime shooter missions to complete- Ultra REALISTIC 3D graphics- 6 unique maps and stunning locations- 7 different real-world weapons to choose and upgrade